Robot Palletiser
Robot palletisers are becoming an increasingly popular application. The robotic palletisers benefit from a relatively small footprint and the flexibility to change the layer pattern.
Unlike the layer palletisers, these machines are capable of assembling mixed pallets as well as palletising different items simultaneously. The disadvantages of robotic palletisers are the slow speed and low output.

Rotating Beam Palletiser
Europack, our principal supplier, are specialists in rotating-beam palletisers. Europack invented this type of machine and even though they have been copied many times, they are, by far the most experienced manufacturer in the world. These machines are ideal for small spaces, but they are very versatile, so, simple palletising is possible. In addition, we can use the same machine to collect pallets, collect layer cards, and even have multiple lines feeding into the same machine.